Coffee enemas rapidly help remove toxins from the liver. They often provide quick relief when one is fatigued, sleepy, has headaches, or is just feeling poorly. They also help against spasms, precordial (heart, throat, chest) pain and difficulties resulting from the sudden withdrawal of all intoxicating sedation. A coffee enema, when done properly, causes the liver to produce more bile, opens the bile ducts, and causes the bile to flow. In this process, a toxic liver can dump many of its toxins into the bile and get rid of them in just a few minutes. This often gives great relief to all parts of the body, and often makes the difference between lying down feeling miserable and feeling good and being active. Coffee enemas are also effective in relieving pain. Patients with cancer, for an example, may achieve relief from pain even when drugs have failed.
At the start of the treatment and during flare-ups, the bile contains poisons, produces spasms in the duodenum and small intestines, and causes some overflow into the stomach. This may cause feelings of nausea, which could result in the vomiting of bile. If this happens, drinking a good quantity of strong peppermint tea will help wash out the bile from the stomach and bring relief.
It is interesting to note that drinking a cup of coffee has an entirely different effect from that of using it as a cleansing enema. Drinking coffee causes the following problems: increases reflex response; lowers blood pressure; increases heart rate; causes insomnia and heart palpitation; over stimulates the adrenals; irritates the stomach; and leaves a toxic residue in the body. A coffee enema, when done properly, will not produce these effects.
Preparing The Coffee Enema
Add 3 heaping tablespoons of ground coffee (organically grown coffee is absolutely essential*) to 1 quart of water (preferably distilled). Let it boil lightly for 3 minutes, then simmer for a total of 20 minutes. Keep lid on. Strain and use at body temperature. Do a cleansing enema, which is 2-3 bags of distilled water used consecutively. Then place the coffee solution in the enema bag, instill the solution while lying on your right side, with both legs drawn in close to the abdomen.. Breathe deeply, in order to suck in the greatest amount of fluid into the necessary parts of the colon. It also helps to let all of the air out of the lungs and suck the gut in and out while in this position.
The fluid should be retained for 12 to 15 minutes. It helps to have a clock or watch in view. Dr. Gerson found that all the caffeine is absorbed from the fluid within 12 minutes. The caffeine goes through the hemorrhoidal veins directly into the portal veins and into the liver.
When doing intestinal cleansing, one or two coffee enemas a week should be fine if, before the cleanse, the person passed the pH tests. Otherwise, that person should drink fresh juices, especially carrot, beet and celery juices throughout the cleanse. An electrolyte supplement is even better to take. Great care should be taken if the person is water fasting. The bile that is released from coffee enemas contains many valuable mineral salts. These need to be replenished. People who do several coffee enemas a day should be on a good diet of broths and fresh juices, to assure the replenishment of mineral salts.
*The Chemicals found in commercially grown coffee could damage the liver when used as a coffee enema. Use ONLY organically grown coffee! Note: Two coffee enemas in a week during a cleansing period are good for most people - but not everyone. If coffee enemas make a person feel worse, even when using organic coffee, they should discontinue using them. Coffee enemas should be used with caution. Coffee enemas are stressful to the liver and too many of them can cause liver stress. After cleansing, coffee enemas should only be used as an emergency, not just to perk oneself up! Always consult a health provider before using this method
History of Coffee
About 1,200 years ago in Ethiopia, a goat herder named Khaldi discovered the magic of coffee. Khaldi, who was said to be a relaxed man, was missing his goats. When they were finally discovered, the goats were "on their hind legs, dancing like dervishes and bleating a Dionysian rhapsody as if accompanied by the goat-god Pan," said an Internet contributor to the Dancing Goat Society.
The goats munched on bright red berries from a nearby bush and so Khaldi tasted the berries. He became exhilarated and alert. Khaldi was so excited at his discovery that he got the attention of a local monk. The legend says the monk saw Khaldi and the dancing goats and proceeded to do a series of tests on the berries, including parching and boiling the berries. Soon, no monks fell asleep at evening prayer anymore. It stayed that way for centuries.
Legend aside, the actual cultivation of these wild plants is said to have occurred as early as A.D. 575 in Ethiopia, according to Coffee; A Guide to Buying, Brewing and Enjoying by Kenneth Davids. Arabic cultivation began much later, in the 15th century, by Yemen. The Arabs gave mass coffee consumption its start. Religious use of the beverage made wide acceptance of the beverage stronger. Eventually, Egypt, the Mahgreb, Turkey and Persia were importing substantial amounts from Arabic Yemen.
Coffee became big business. The Arabians sought to maintain their monopoly over the trade by banning the export of live coffee seedlings and sterilizing beans by boiling them before export. The Turks are said to have been behind bringing coffee to Europe throughout their Ottoman Empire. As coffee became the drink of the masses, controversy arose.
Coffee was considered both morally and physically degrading by Muslim and Christian people. The Americas got their fingers into the industry in 1723. On the Caribbean Island of Martinique, French naval officer Gabriel Mathieu de Cheu convinced confederates to help him break into the French Jardin Royale at night. They stole a coffee seedling.
That was the beginning of the coffee industry in the Americas, which now, produces over 90 percent of the coffee in the world, with Brazil and Columbia as the leaders. In 1878, another important moment in coffee history changed the industry forever. Roasted coffee was packed in sealed cans for the first time in Boston by Chase and Sanborn. Twelve years later, Hills Brothers in San Francisco began to vacuum pack roast ground coffee in tins, creating another revolution in the industry.
In the WWII years, coffee was rationed, beginning in November, 1942. The war also lead to the development of Instant Maxwell House coffee in 1943. It emerged from the soluble coffee used for troop rations, which was developed by General Foods at its Maxwell House coffee factory. The public was introduced to Instant Maxwell House after the war. Soon following that innovation, in 1945, the Chemex Corporation of New York introduced the first coffee maker, designed by Peter Schlumbohn.
Sources for reference:
Based upon Dr. Gersons work. More information is available in his book~ A Cancer Therapy, Results in Fifty Cases. Also~Legend gives coffee beans a colorful history By, Andrea LaVoy
Fun Facts About Dunkin Donuts Coffee
On an average day, Dunkin' Donuts sells more than 20 cups of freshly brewed coffee each second.
If you lined up side by side every cup of coffee sold by Dunkin' Donuts in one day, the line would stretch 85.23 miles.
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Source: Dunkin